The Making of Whakaruru (featuring Simon Kaan)

The Making of Whakaruru (featuring Simon Kaan)
Paemanu: Tauraka Toi A Landing Place Ngai Tahu art exhibition held at the Dunedin Public Art Gallery, Dunedin, New Zealand. Credit: Morrison

A few months back artist Simon Kaan asked me to collaborate with him on a new artwork he was creating. I was intrigued, not just because I'm a huge fan…

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The Vega Limited Edition

The Vega Limited Edition
Young male sea lion (Phocarctos hookeri) enjoys the waves during an evening session at Blackhead, Dunedin, New Zealand. Photo: Derek Morrison

Two years ago a photograph of mine won the New Zealand Geographic Photographer of the Year award. It showed three-year-old female sea lion Vega surfing a wave at St Kilda…

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