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In response to David Seymour's and the coalition's Treaty Principles Bill, New Zealanders from all walks of life banded together over seven days for Hīkoi mō Te Tiriti. The final march was to parliament on the morning of November 19, 2024. The hīkoi assembled at Waitangi Park that morning with more than 42,000-plus people joining the walk to parliament grounds. The gathering included tamariki, Pākehā, rangatahi, kaumātua, and everyone in between. The vibe from start to finish was incredibly positive ... as if the battle had already been won in the six preceding days. There was music and singing and a real buzz that was fueled by emotion, connection and a sense of unity.
These pictures are from that historic moment – the final day when the Hīkoi mō Te Tiriti crossed Wellington city and into parliament.
These pictures are from that historic moment – the final day when the Hīkoi mō Te Tiriti crossed Wellington city and into parliament.

From dairying to high-country sheep and beef stations these images capture the backbone of New Zealand's rural industry and lifestyle.

Images from our New Zealand lifestyle that focuses on outdoor adventures and explorations in nature.

Vistas, landscapes and panoramas of New Zealand's iconic and lesser known natural features.

From the streets of Wellington to the steampunk culture of Oamaru, to our small town charm, this gallery showcases New Zealand's diverse urban landscape.